Leading Extension

On Friday after school, some of the students will come and play a game together. It calls League of Legend and the extension lead by me and one of my friend. Our idea is that on Friday it kind of relaxing day and we want to have some fun with our friends so we create this extension to met our goal. The extension kinds of really work, the players that participated felt very joyful but one problem is we didn’t have enough time. So our solution is to come to the extension as early as possible and it improved but not much. But everyone that participate including me learns and have a lot of fun together. One thing that I really like about playing game is that it really help you to learn how to work with people it can be your friend or completely new people. By playing game I learn how to understand people and their perspective toward me. I believe that people think that game is really bad for our self but I also believe that game also can really help you if you spend your time correctly in the game.